Latest Online Testing Updates, Manuals, and Resources for Preparation
Please remember we will be regularly updating the Curriculum and Technology Site with testing information and resources for the 2015/2016 school year.
To get there:
1) Go to
2) Click on "staff"
3) You will see a link to the new West Geauga Curriculum and Technology website
Note: Ohio created a great training tutorial for how to use AIR for Test Administrators. It goes through the entire process.
To access it:
2) Click on the 3rd folder down labeled "Online Systems Resources"
3) Click on "Tutorials"
4) Choose the "Test Administrator Certification Course"
This is new this year and gives a common language to learning how to administer the test.
To get test administration manuals:
2) Click on "Administration Manuals and Guidance Documents"
3) Test administrators will want:
a) Directions for Administration Manual
b) Test Administrator Checklist
c) Online Testing Checklist (Scripts and Troubleshooting tips to make the day go smooth!)
To get to student practice:
2) Click on "Student Practice Resources"
3) You will see student tutorials and tools for the practice site but also subject specific sample items, keys and rubrics.
Some suggestions for online testing:
1) Remain calm: Most problems are quickly resolved. There is nothing that can happen that can't be fixed. Students need to be aware of this. Students should focus on doing their best and need to know that any technical glitch that may arise is often resolved quick, just like when they play a game or open an app at home. Most are very experienced with this and that connection is helpful.
2) Go through the tutorial and read the resources early: We are here to help as specific questions come up. The sooner you have taken a look at the state resources, the quicker your questions can be addressed.
3) Talk to your team: Each member of a team brings unique ideas. This support is critical. What is a question for one member of the team will likely be answered by another. If not, send us any questions that come up and we will try to find answers.