I always like to highlight unique common core aligned tools. If you haven't heard of Storybird. It is a unique and free website where you can access a wide variety of books for students K-12. Teacher and student accounts are free. Students and teachers can also create books through this site. As with anything that I send out, I am always happy to sit down with you if you want to try out the tool and are having trouble.
The new issue of Neotie Magazine is out. There are a wide variety of articles that meet a diverse group of education professionals. On the teaching side, there are some great articles revolving around 15 Awesome Websites, the SAMR Model, APP/Resource Evaluation rubrics, Design Thinking and more.There are also lists of who to follow on Twitter for additional educational resources. If you are interested in contributing a future article, please let me know.
Last weekend, Jileen Urbanek and I attended Mentor's first Edcamp. It was a terrific event. If you haven't been to an Edcamp, it is different from a traditional conference in that the attendees suggest the topics for each session on the day of the event. This leads to facilitated breakout sessions. Having a say in the direction of the conference really makes it a valuable event with discussion and resources shared revolve directly around need.
Strongsville is hosting one of these free events Saturday, May 21, 2016. It is a great way to get professional development units or you can choose to pay for graduate credit. Further information is below.